The Trade Union of the Ministry of Home Affairs held on September 23 a conference on the Trade Union’s role of in the emulative movement for building civil delicateness, creativeness and loyalty in Lam Dong province’s Da Lat city.
Attending the event included Vice Chairwoman of the Trade Union of the Ministry Nguyễn Thị Hà, representatives of units of the Ministry’s trade unions.
Head of Legislation and Inspection Department Trade Union under the Government Committee for Religious Affairs Nguyễn Thị Hồng Vân joined the conference and delivered a presentation on the role of GCRA’s civil servants and public employees in implementing administrative reform tasks.
The conference was part of a plan for implementing the Resolution No. 02 / NQ-CDVC date on 07/11/2014 of Vietnam Trade Union on further improving the quality of the movement for building cadres, civil servants and public employees to be loyal, creative, dedicated and exemplary in the period of national industrialization and modernization, and Decision No. 137 / QD-BNV dated on 02/22/2016 of the Minister of the Ministry of Home Affairs on issuance of a information and propaganda plan of the administrative reform of the Ministry of Home Affairs in 2016.