The Magha Puja Day, one of most important festivals celebrated by Buddhists, was marked by the lightening of 1,250 candles in Candaransì Pagoda in Ho Chi Minh City on February 11.
Opening the celebrating event, Most Venerable Member of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha’s Executive Council cum Abbot of the pagoda Danh Lung briefed the meaning of the festival, also known as the Fourfold Assembly. Accordingly, this assembly had four distinct features: first, all those 1250 followers who assembled to pay their respect to the Buddha in Rajagaha city after the rain retreat at the Deer Park in Sarnath were Arahats; secondly, they were all ordained by the Buddha himself; thirdly, all of them gathered on their own without any prior invitation from the Buddha; and lastly the gathering took place on the full moon day of Magha month. To this assembly, the Buddha delivered his sermon, or recitation of the rules and regulations of the monastic order (the Patimokkha).
Listening Buddhist sermon with tranquility
In his sermon during the event, Most Venerable Danh Lung also stressed the importance of observing the Buddhist rules and regulation for the development of the Sangha and bringing true peace and happiness.
Lightening of 1,250 candles in prayers for peace to all living beings