The Party Committee of Kien Giang province organized a conference to review the ten-year implementation of Resolution No 25-NQ/TW dated March 12, 2003 on religious affairs approved at the 7th plenum of the 9th Party Central Committee on May 25.
The conference was chaired by Vice Chairwoman of the provincial People’s Committee Đặng Tuyết Em and Chairman of the provincial Commission for Mass Mobilization Lâm Hoàng Sa.
It’s reported that during ten years implementing Resolution 25 on religious affairs, Kien Giang province well carried out six tasks and four solutions prescribed in the resolution contributing to create positive changes to the religious life in the locality. All religions have proactively joint movements for building the national unity bloc and promoting charitable activities. Local authorities have also created favorable conditions for religious organizations and followers to conduct religious activities in accordance with the law.
Speaking at the conference, Vice Chairman Đặng Tuyết Em highlighted implementing results of the Resolution 25 of the 9th Central Party Committee. He also urged local authorities to strengthen coordination between local agencies for further implementing in Party’s policies and State laws on religious affairs
Source: kiengiang.gov.vn