Improving legal regulations on heritage culture


An inspection delegation from the National Assembly’s Committee for Culture and Education led by Vice Chairwoman Nguyễn Thị Mai Hoa on July 19 had a meeting with the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism in Nghe An.

Vice Chairwoman of the National Assembly’s Committee for Culture and Education Nguyễn Thị Mai Hoa speaks at the meeting

At the meeting, Director of the provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism Trần Thị Mỹ Hạnh said that the management and organization of activities in local relics has not fully complied with provisions of the Law on Cultural Heritage. Several heritage relics have not well implemented regulations for fire prevention and fighting, with no signpost and rules reminding visitors, and encroachment upon the relics.

Director Trần Thị Mỹ Hạnh speaks at the meeting

The provincial Department also proposed to revise legal regulations on cultural heritage as a basis for the management and orientation on conservation and heritage culture protection at grassroots level. In the upcoming revision of the Law on Cultural Heritage, it is necessary to pay attention provisions canceling decisions of heritage ranking; expanding and narrowing of the relic site; and supervising religious relics, etc.

In addition, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism needs to closely guide and strengthen trainings on conservation management and cultural heritage protection for the departments of culture, sports and tourism in province and cities

Funding for the conservation and cultural heritage promotion, including funding for the restoration of special national relic sites, national relic sites and national programs on intangible cultural heritage preservation and promotion needs to be increased, Director Trần Thị Mỹ Hạnh stressed.

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