Human right practice in central and southern regions reviewed


The Steering Committees for Human Rights of 38 central and southern cities and provinces held a meeting on the morning of August 2 in Ba Ria - Vung Tau province to review their work results.

Delegates to the meeting

Deputy Minister of Public Security and Deputy Head of the Standing Board of the Governmental Steering Committee for Human Rights (SCHR) Lieutenant General Lê Quốc Hùng chaired the meeting.

Delivering opening remarks, Lieutenant General Lê Quốc Hùng said that it was the first time the SCHRs of the central and southern regions had held a meeting after their establishment.

Delegates listened to reports presented by representatives from Bac Lieu, Tra Vinh, An Giang, Dak Nong, Quang Binh, Soc Trang, Hau Giang, Lam Dong on the situation and work results of their SCHRs. 

They said that the local SCHRs ensured the practice of human rights and efficiently implemented social policies, hunger eradication and poverty reduction projects, policies for disadvantaged population groups, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as played an important role in settling religious and ethnic issues.

Delegates also pointed out the limitations, difficulties, challenges in performing their duties, discussed lessons drawn from practical activities and proposed solutions to deal with issues.

In his concluding speech, Lieutenant General Lê Quốc Hùng acknowledged the work results of the provincial-level SCHRs in the fields of building legal policies, educating and raising public awareness of human rights, implementing social policies, fighting acts against the Party, State and people under the cover of human rights and democracy.

Lieutenant General Le Quoc Hung speaks at the meeting.


He also recognized the close coordination among local agencies and branches in protecting and ensuring human rights as well as in addressing issues related to human rights and disseminating Party and State policies on human rights.

In the coming time, Lieutenant General Lê Quốc Hùng suggested that the local SCHRs focus on reviewing and assessing work results and shortcomings, propose higher authorities to issue additional policies and laws on human rights.

According to the official, the work of protecting and ensuring human rights must be linked with responsibilities of the political system as well as with the Party's mass mobilization work and the Fatherland Front's movements, the operation of the 35th Steering Committee for Fighting Distorted and False Information.

Further, the communal police force must be tasked to ensure human rights at the grassroots levels while leaders of provincial-level people's committees should direct local agencies and units to enhance law education and dissemination to raise people’s sense of responsibility in cyberspace so that they will not be cheated and used by reactionary and hostile forces to spread fake and false information on social networks.
