Hoa Hoa Buddhist Church guides celebration of its founder’s birthday


The Central Executive Committee of Hoa Hao Buddhist Church has sent a dispatch to the Church’s provincial-level representative committees and commune – level  executive boards on implementing the Covid-19 prevention measures while celebrating the 102nd birth anniversary of Hoa Hao Buddhism’s Founder – Huỳnh Phú Sổ.  

Accordingly, the Central Executive Committee of Hoa Hao Buddhist Church asked the provincial representative committees, the district executive boards, management boards of Hoa Hao Buddhist temples and members to strictly implement Covid-19 preventive measures guided by local authorities, and hold celebrations of the 102nd birth anniversary of Hoa Hao Buddhism’s founder internally at its establishments in localities.

The celebrations of Ven. Huỳnh Phú Sổ’s will be held on December 27-28, and a joint prayer will take place at 9.00 a.m. on December 28. The numbers of participants at celebrating ceremonies will be determined based on the practical Covid-19 pandemic situation in each locality.