Ho Chi Minh city: Some pagodas hold thanksgiving ceremony for the Buddhist summer retreat course
On August 3rd, 2014, the Buddhist summer retreat course at Vĩnh Nghiêm pagoda (No 399 Nam Ky Khoi Nghia str, dist 3) solemnly held a thanksgiving ceremony for the Buddhist summer retreat course 2014 (B.E. 2558)
Attending the ceremony were Mr. Huỳnh Ngọc Thành, Deputy Director of the Home Affairs Department; representatives from the Ho Chi Minh city (HCMC) People’s Committee, the HCMC’s Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee; Most Venerable Thích Hiển Pháp and Most Venerable Thích Đức Nghiệp, Vice Chairman of the Discernment Council of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha (VBS); Most Venerable Thích Thiện Nhơn, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee cum General Secretary of the VBS’s Executive Council and a large number of Buddhist dignitaries and followers.
At Phước Lâm pagoda
On August 4th, the Executive Board of Cu Chi district’s VBS (HCMC) organized a closing ceremony of the Buddhist summer retreat course 2014 at Phước Lâm pagoda (Tan Thong Hoi commune).
At Ấn Quang pagoda
At Buddhist summer retreat courses held at pagodas 2014 (B.E 2558), Buddhist monks and nuns learnt basic knowledge on Buddhist tripitaka as well as the Party’ policies and guidelines, and State’s laws on religion.
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