Head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Mass Mobilization visits Yen Bai province
Head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Mass Mobilization Hà Thị Khiết led a delegation to hold a working meeting with the local officials on the mobilization work in ethnic and religious communities in the locality on March 13.
During the meeting, Head of Yen Bai provincial Party Committee’s Commission for Mass Mobilization Hà Đức Quế reported on the mobilization work over the years in the province and informed that 30 ethnic communities and three operative religions of Catholicism, Buddhism and Protestantism in the locality have been coexisting peacefully and maintaining close and supportive relations with local authorities.
Speaking at the working meeting, Mrs. Hà Thị Khiết, who is also Secretary of Party Central Committee, emphasized the need for Yen Bai provincial authorities to do well the mobilization work in order to ensure the successful implementation of ethnic and religious policies of the Party and State in the local region.
(Source: vnn.vn)