The 1st congress for Youth-leaders under Hanoi Catholic Archdiocese was held on July 2-4 at Thai Binh diocese on occasion of the 100th founding anniversary of Eucharistic Youth Movement.
Attending the event included Bishop of Thai Binh Diocese Peter Nguyễn Văn Đệ, Bishop of Phat Diem Diocese Joseph Nguyễn Năng, Bishop of Bui Chu Diocese Thomas Vũ Đình Hiệu, dignitaries representing Archdioceses of Ho Chi Minh and Hue, and over 3000 Catholic youth from 10 dioceses of Bac Ninh, Bui Chu, Ha Noi, Hai Phong, Hung Hoa, Phat Diem, Thai Binh and Vinh under the Hanoi Archdiocese.
The Eucharistic Youth Movement is a Catholic congregation under the leadership of the Catholic Church established with the aim to spread the Good News of the Gospel and contribute to build the good of society.
Youth-leaders are heads of youth groups whose responsibility is to educate and support children of the congregation of the Eucharistic Youth Movement.