Ha Noi Archdiocese opened its 13th Youth Congress in Ha Nam province’s Thanh Liem district on November 17.
Attending the event included Cardinal Nguyễn Văn Nhơn, Archbishop of Hanoi Archdiocese, bishops from 10 dioceses under Hanoi Archdiocese and more than 21,000 young Catholics from in the archdiocese.
Distinguished at the Congress included Vice Chairman of the Government Committee for Religious Affairs Dương Ngọc Tấn and Vice Chairman of Ha Nam provincial People’s Committee Bùi Quang Cẩm.
The 2015 congress’ theme was "You are the salt and light of the world" with highlight for evangelizing parish and community’s life in order to call youths to live responsibly and uphold the religious faith.
The Congress took place with many activities including prayers, ceremonial procession by 10 dioceses, short animations and seminar with the titled "Youth live and bear witness to the faith in the context of current secularization and multimedia"
Some images at the Youth Congress: