Government religious committee holds seminar on contents of belief, religion in documents of 13th Party congress


The Government Committee for Religious Affairs (GCRA) held on November 23 a seminar themed “contents of belief and religion in documents of the 13th National Party Congress”.  

The event was presided by Doctor Deputy Minister of Home Affair Vũ Chiến Thắng, and joint by Vice Chairwoman of the GCRA Trần Thị Minh Nga, Vice Chairman of the GCRA Nguyễn Tiến Trọng, representatives of GCRA’s departments, members of the GCRA’s Science Council, scholars and representatives of concerning agencies.

Speaking at the seminar, Doctor Vũ Chiến Thắng asked the seminar to clarify key tasks relating belief & religion and the state management on belief & religion in documents of the 13th National Party Congress in order to make recommendations to Party and State leaders, and guidance to religious organizations in the country.

Documents of the 13th National Party Congress have contained contents related to belief and religion, including the improvement and well implementation ethnic & religious policies, the promotion of positive values of religion and belief, the prevention of superstitious activities, strengthening of the religious unity and great national unity, and safeguarding of the freedom of belief and religion in accordance with the law.

According to Professor Đỗ Quang Hưng from the University of Social Sciences and Humanities under the Vietnam National University, documents of the 13th National Party Congress have mentioned the construction and completion of the secular state model, including the safeguarding of the freedom and equality of religions.

Professor Đỗ Quang Hưng speaks at the seminar

The seminar drew 13 presentations and comments from scholars with contents focusing on the improvement of the efficiency in religious affairs, the advocacy work towards religious dignitaries and followers for making practical contributions for the country development, and the promotion of cultural and ethical values of religions in preserving and upholding social traditions.

At the seminar

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