Evangelical Church (North)’s response to program “Millions of solidarity gift sets for assisting Southern countrymen to overcome COVID-19 pandemic”


Evangelical Church (North)’s response to program “Millions of solidarity gift sets for assisting Southern countrymen to overcome COVID-19 pandemic”

Many evangelical chapters and congregations have implemented social charity programs, such as Hanoi chapter with “loving bag of rice”, Cong Dong chapter with free meals, fruits and vegetables for assisting the poor, the homeless and the unemployed, etc.

The Evangelical Church of Vietnam (North) has sent a dispatch to its representative committees in provinces and cities, chapters, congregations, and pastors, missionaries, deacons and lay members calling for a proactive response to the program “Millions of solidarity gift sets for assisting Southern countrymen to overcome COVID-19 pandemic” launched by the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF).

The Protestant Representatives Committee in provinces and cities, chapters and congregations also called their members to support this program through the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee (VFF) at all levels or send their contribution to the Church’s Office for gathering and delivering to the VFF Central Committee.


Calling letter of the Church’s Committee for Health – Social Actions for assisting households hard hit by the pandemic

Earlier, the Committee for Health – Social Action under the ECVN (North) has issued a calling letter for supporting households facing difficulties due to the Covid-19 pandemic in remote areas, unemployed people and households in lockdown areas.

The Committee planned to present 5,000 relief sets including rice, cooking oil, fish sauce and eggs, worth 300,000 VND each set.