Health insurance is an important policy of the Government, however some Cham people in Chau Giang hamlet of Chau Phong commune, An Giang province’s Tan Chau district previously did not well understand this policy on health insurance and not proactively join in the health insurance. Therefore, for the past years, the people board in Chau Giang hamlet has implemented many measures to persuade Cham people to participate in health insurance.
According to Mr. Sale, deputy head of Chau Giang hamlet, Chau Giang currently has 2,300 Cham people. Most of local Cham people have faced difficult circumstances with low income, and without health insurance. In addition, they still used herbal medicines and traditional remedies for treatments of diseases, and rarely went to clinics or hospital.
The people board in collaboration with local authorities and the social insurance office in Tan Chau district has propagated the policy on health insurance in mosques and sub-mosques in the hamlet and explained Cham people’s enquiries when they join in the health insurance including benefits of the health insurance, regulations on referral issues for medical examination, etc
In addition, dignitaries and deacons from the executive board of the local mosques has introduced the State’s policies and guidelines, including the health insurance policy at meetings on religious tenets held for local Cham Muslims. So far, the rate of Cham people participating in health insurance has reached nearly 90%.
Thanks to health insurance, Mr. Ismael has overcame his illness. He said that due to the family’s poverty, he did not take part in health insurance and only the elder and weak people of his family participated in the insurance. After members of the people board and the executive board of the mosque talked about the health insurance, he has decided to participate in the health insurance.
He had an open-heart valve. After ineffective treatment in cities of Chau Doc and Long Xuyen, he went to the Heart Institute in Ho Chi Minh City. The health insurance has covered 80% of treatment costs, Mr. Ismael shared.
The office of the people board is a place to support Cham people about health insurance policy. If everyone has any questions about the policy and benefits of health insurance, member of the people board would give a considerate guidance. Each month, the people board in Chau Giang hamlet has received and offered advises to from 60 to 100 Cham people.