The Interrogation and Ordainment Council under the Evangelical Church of Vietnam (ECVN) (South) held on Oct. 13 a ceremony for the ordainment of four commissioned pastors at Bu Đăk Protestant Church in Đăk Nông province.
Four promoted pastors included Superintendent of Buon Nuoi Church in Cư Jút district Y Mai Byă, Superintendent of Đăk R’lar Church in Đăk Mil district Y Njanh, Superintendent of Bu Sir Church in Đăk G’ Long district Y Ntil in Đăk Nông province, and Superintendent of Dliê Yang Church in Ea Hleo district, Đăk Lăk province Y Sia Niê.
The event saw the participation of Pastor Chairman of the ECVN’s Interrogation and Ordainment Council Nguyễn Ngọc Thuận, Pastor Member of the ECVN’s Executive Committee in charge of pastoral affairs in Đăk Nông province Y Djrên, Pastor Member of the ECVN’s Executive Committee in charge of pastoral affairs in Đăk Lăk province Võ Thành Phê, members of the Protestant Representative Committee in the province and about 300 Protestants in the locality. Representatives of local authorities also joint the event.
TP (httlvn.org)