On Oct. 18, the Youth Pastoral Committee under Xuan Loc diocese held a doctrine contest with the theme “Young people live up the Eucharistic mystery” at Quang Bien Parish, Phu Thinh Deanery.
The event was attended by 45 contestants selected from deaneries and over 120 supporters from parishes in Xuan Loc diocese.
Joining the contest included Priest Head of the Youth Pastoral Committee Dominican Nguyễn Thành Tiến, Priest Head of the Youth Pastoral Board of Phu Thinh Vicariate Joseph Nguyễn Đình Nhiệm…
For the final result of the contest, the first, second and third prizes went to the representatives from vicariates of Gia Kiem, Tan Mai and Hoa Thanh.
The contest aimed to create opportunities for young people to exchange pastoral knowledge and experience for better enhancing pastoral life amongst Catholics in the diocese.