Deputy Prime Minister Trần Lưu Quang receives Vietnam Pure–land Buddhist Association delegation


Deputy Prime Minister Trần Lưu Quang hosted on August 24 a reception for a visiting delegation of the Vietnam Pure–land Buddhist Association led by Rev. Nguyễn Ngọc Ánh, Chairman of the association.

At the reception

Joining the reception included Chairman of the Government Committee for Religious Affairs (GCRA) Vũ Hoài Bắc, and Vice Chairman of the GCRA Nguyễn Ánh Chức.

Speaking to the guests, Deputy Prime Minister Trần Lưu Quang spoke highly of practical contributions made by the Buddhist association to socio-economic development of the country over the past years. The official highlighted that medical clinics under the association have actively used traditional herbal treatments for helping Covid-19 patients, contributing to early control the pandemic.

Deputy Prime Minister Trần Lưu Quang speaks at the reception

The Deputy PM also extended congratulations to the success of the 4th national congress of the Vietnam Pure–land Buddhist association for the 2024-2029 term, and affirmed the state’s consistent policies in protecting human rights, including the freedom of religion and belief of the people, and preserving and promoting fine traditions and resources of religions for national construction and defense.

Rev. Nguyễn Ngọc Ánh speaks at the reception

While appreciating the Deputy Prime Minister’s warm welcome, Rev. Nguyễn Ngọc Ánh stated that with the development of medical clinics under the Pure-land association, the association has provided free medical examinations and tens of millions of herbal medicine packs to millions of patients. According to the religious leader, from 2019-2024, the association has spent over 2,400 billion VND on social charities in localities.

Deputy Prime Minister Trần Lưu Quang poses for group photo with the delegation


Nguyên Hải