Deputy Prime Minister Trần Lưu Quang receives religious delegation of Cham ethnic community from Ninh Thuan


Deputy Prime Minister Trần Lưu Quang received a delegation of outstanding religious from the Cham community in Ninh Thuan province in Hanoi on February 27.

Overview of the reception

Joining the event included Deputy Minister of Home Affairs Vũ Chiến Thắng, Deputy Director of the Government’s Office Cao Huy, Vice Chairman of the People’s Committee in Ninh Thuan Nguyễn Long Biên and Vice Chairman of the Government Commitee for Religious Affairs Nguyễn Ánh Chức.

Elder Châu Minh Hương, Chairman of the Dignitary Council of Bani Islamic Community in Ninh Thuan province speaks at the event

Speaking at the event, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang highly appreciated practical contributions made by religious followers of the Cham community in Ninh Thuan province in rural development and environment protection, as well as preservation and promotion of fine traditional cultural identities of the nation.

The Deputy Prime Minister affirmed that the Cham community in Ninh Thuan is an inseparable part of the great national unity bloc of Vietnam with its own language, customs, traditions, and cultural identities, contributing to the cultural diversity of the Vietnamese ethnic groups. He expressed hope that religious organizations in general and religious organizations of the Cham community in Ninh Thuan in particular would promote the image of the country and people of Vietnam, as well as the sound policy of Vietnam’s Party and State in protecting the right to freedom of belief and religion, through international religious activities and forums.

Deputy Prime Minister Trần Lưu Quang speaks at the event

Ethnic minorities in Ninh Thuan province currently account for about 23% of the province's population, belonging to mainly Cham and Raglai ethnic groups. The local Cham community has over 85,000 people, mostly following religions of Brahmanism and Islam.

According to the Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Nguyễn Long Biên, the local Cham community have well observed the Party and the State’s guidelines and policies, and proactively promoted a diverse and rich cultural tradition such as Cham folk singing, traditional musical instruments, Kate festival and Ramuwan festival, etc.


Anh Khôi