Da Nang city Vietnam Buddhist Sangha (VBS) Executive Committee started the summer retreat course 2016 - B.E. 2560 at a solemn ceremony held on May 23 at Pho Da monastery in Da Nang city.
Attending the ceremony were Most Venerable Vice Chairmen of the city VBS’s Executive Committee Thích Chí Mãn and Thích Từ Tánh, and large numbers of monks and nuns in the city.
Speaking at the ceremony, Most Venerable Thích Chí Mãn stressed important meanings of the summer retreat to participating Buddhists and encouraged monks and nuns to well observe Buddhist regulations during the retreat course.
The summer retreat course in Da Nang city will take place in two main places including Pho Da pagoda for monks and Quang Minh Pagoda for nuns.
Source: giacngo.vn and http://phatgiaodanang.vn/