Da Nang city: Religious establishments actively respond to movement for cultural and civilized lifestyles
To promote the implementation of Da Nang city’s program “Year for Culture and Urban Civilization 2015”, Hoa Vang district has developed plans for dissemination and coordination amongst religious establishments in the locality.
With supports from local authorities, five religions in the district (including Catholicism, Buddhism, Protestantism, Caodaism and Minh Su faith) have proactively implemented the “Year for Culture and Urban Civilization 2015” program and registered with local authorities the implementation of specific contents, such as encouraging dignitaries and followers to observe state laws and local regulations, ensure social order, security, traffic safety , promote cultural and civilized lifestyles and protect the environment...
Based on specific contents registered by religious facilities, Hoa Vang district will assess results, timely praise outstanding achievements, and replicate typical models in order to promote religions’ active response to “Year for Culture and Urban Civilization 2015” program.
Phu Hoa Protestant United Mission Church signs agreement on implementation contents
Hoa Phong Caodai Tay Ninh Church signs agreement to implement the program
Hoa Nam and Tho Quang temples sign agreement to implement the program
Source: cadn.com.vn