Sympathetic to difficulties of poor families in housing, the Caritas Committee of Hai Phong Diocese has proactively organized fund-raisings for building charity houses.
Priest John B. Vũ Văn Kiện, Director of Caritas Hai Phong, in collaboration with Priest in charge of Xam Bo Parish Joseph Phạm Cao Đỉnh has organized the music night “Blessed Mary – Mother of Mercy” for successfully raising fund to build a charity house for the family of Joseph Vũ Ngọc Hiển and Mary Nguyễn Thị Ngần, who are 80 years old born in the parish.
Via the blind association in the city’s Hong Bang district, Caritas Hai Phong, together with Buddhists and local donors, helped build for the family of Nguyễn Văn Nhất a charity house. Mr. Nguyễn Văn Nhất, a man in 48 years of age, was born with innate blindness and has lived only with his elder brother in a seriously degraded house for a long time. The charity house for him was inaugurated in August this year.
In addition to the two afore-mentioned charity houses, Hai Phong Caritas is mobilizing resources for bringing new home tor many poor families in the locality.
Q.N. (caritasvietnam.org)