Caritas Da Lat launches “Together we” campaign


Responding a call of Caritas Vietnam, Caritas Da Lat launched on September 26-30 the campaign week “Together we” to raise awareness of people about protecting the common home.

As part of the campaign, the Caritas has held disseminating meetings at deaneries of Di Linh, Duc Trong, Madagui, Bao Loc, Don Duong, Da Lat and Da Tong under Da Lat diocese.

Attending the events included Priest Peter Nguyễn Trọng Đường, Assistant Director of Caritas Vietnam cum Head of the campaign and Sister Anna Trần Thị Hằng, Head of the management board of the campaign in Caritas Da Lat.

The gatherings covered contents of the “Together we” campaign of Caritas Vietnam, the three-year working plan of Caritas Da Lat, and models for trainings on Laudato Si', zero-waste parish, no herbicides, compassion kitchens in hospitals  without generating waste, using of plastic bottles to plant trees, solar energy; tree planting, and collection of garbage, etc.