On August 1-2, Caritas Da Lat held the second training course on skills for caring the disabled for Catholics from parishes in Da Lat diocese.
The training of was presented by Sister of Congregation of Notre Dame Anna Nguyễn Thụy Diễm Hương, and attended by about 50 Caritas members from parishes under four deaneries of Da Lat, Don Duong, Duc Trong and Di Linh and representatives from Lam Ha disabled association.
The course contributed to equip participants with theoretical knowledge and practical skills in prevention and intervention for some types of disabilities and signs, and social work with families of people with disabilities.
On August 3-4, the same training course also was held at Bao Loc Church with participation of Catholics from two deaneries of Bao Loc and Madaguoi and representatives of Bao Loc and Da Teh district disabled associations.
Source: caritasvietnam.org