Bui Chu Caritas sends supports to Covid-19 quarantine centers in Nam Dinh


The Caritas under Bui Chu diocese extended on May 18 visits to medical staffs and teachers and students of Le Quy Don high school and other locals who have been exposed to Covid-19 cases at the Education Center in Nam Dinh province’s Cat Thanh town and the Army Regiment No. 180 in the province.  

Bui Chu Caritas sends supports to exposed cases to Covid-19 patients in army regiment no. 180

During the visits, the Caritas presented gift sets of dry foods used three days for exposed cases of Covid-19 patients in  the two quarantine zones.

Priest Director of Bui Chu Caritas John Baptist Mai Quang Tuyến also expressed sincere thanks to officials who directly taking care of exposed cases of Covid-19 patients under quarantine in the Cat Thanh education center and the army regiment no. 180 in the locality.