The Buddhist summer retreat 2020 – B.E 2564 will be held from the 16th of the 4th leap month to the 16th of the 7th month according to the lunar calendar.
For Theravada Buddhism, the summer retreat will begin from the 15th of the 6th lunar month (August 5) to the 15th of the 9th of the lunar month (October 31).
According the dispatch of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha (VBS) Executive Council on Buddhist summer retreat 2020 – B.E 2564 sent to the VBS executive committees in the provinces and cities, the organization of the Buddhist summer retreat will be registered by the VBS executive committees in the provinces and cities to the provincial-level authorities. As for venues, Buddhist chapters in the provinces and cities may organize two or more places, ensuring separate retreats for monks and nuns.
Especially, organizers of Buddhist summer retreats must strictly observe preventive measures for Covid-19 prevention and control, including disinfection spray, food hygiene and safety.
Implementing the dispatch of the Government Committee for Religious Affairs on May 8, the VBS Executive Council asked the VBS executive committees in the provinces and cities to keep eyes on and hold Buddhist summer retreats suiting practical conditions of the pandemic in the localities according to regulations of local authorities.