Border Guard Command reviews three-year work ensuring security in religious concentrated areas
The Border Guard Command reviewed three-year implementation of Program No. 636/KH-BTLBP for ensuring security and order in religious concentrated areas at an online meeting on May 26.
The meeting was presided over by Brigadier Deputy Commander of the Border Guard Command Bùi Đức Hạnh.
According to a meeting report, in recent years, the Border Guard Command directed the Border Guard Command in provinces and cities to actively engage in the dissemination and mobilization works among religious communities. So far, there have been nearly 5,000 meetings for about 420,000 people, over 200 programs on radio and over 300 movie screenings for thousands of viewers. The Border Guard Command has also collaborated with local authorities in solving over 400 major and complex cases related to religion in border areas.
Speaking at the event, Brigadier Bùi Đức Hạnh hailed achievements obtained by the Border Guard Command in localities and urged the Border Guard Command in provinces and cities to actively join with authorities in creating favorable conditions for religious practices of followers of religions in accordance with the State laws.
Source: bienphong.com.vn