Ben Tre province: provincial Representative Committee of Caodai Correct Path Church holds conference to review results of religious affairs in 89th religious year (2014)
On October 13th, 2014, at the Ben Tre Holy See (No. 100, Truong Dinh Str, ward 6, Ben Tre city) the Representative Committee of the Caodai Correct Path Church held a conference to review results of religious affairs (89th religious year).
Attending the conference were representatives from the Standing Committee of the Caodai Correct Path Church including Principal Archbishop Chairman Nguyễn Văn Tấn, Principal Archbishop Vice Chairman Nguyễn Văn Thuận, Principal Archbishop Vice- Chairman Hương Học; Church’s dignitaries; and 106 delegates from 45 Management Board of parishes and worshipping establishments. Local guests at the conference included representatives from the provincial Committee for Religious Affairs, the provincial Public Security and the Vietnam Fatherland Front of Ben Tre province.
Speaking at the conference, Principal Archbishop Nguyễn Văn Tấn, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Caodai Correct Path Church reminded the Ben Tre provincial Representative Committee and the Management Board of parishes to overcome difficulties in order to achieve more successes in 90th religious year. At the same time, he urged the Management Board of parishes to organize practical activities towards the 90th founding anniversary of Caodai religion./.
Quang Tiến