The museum in the central province of Ha Tinh has received many wooden artifacts used in the traditional whale and deity worshiping in the province’s Thach Ha and Cam Xuyen districts.
The artifacts founded during a field trip in Cam Nhuong commune in Cam Xuyen district included two ancient palanquins (used in Nhuong Ban fish worshiping festival) at Ca Temple where the whale worship often takes place. The palanquin has a dragon shape with its head as long as 4.06 meters long, and its tail of 2.25 meters long.
Dragon head of palanquin
These ancient worshiping objects have all deteriorated and loss several items and paints in many parts.
Artifacts founded in Thach Lac commune of Thach Ha district included an ancient altar at Sac Temple used in the worship of Tam Lang, a popular worshiping practice in communes of the district.
The altar of 1.43 meters high, 1.65 meters and 1.38 meters wide has deliberate decorations, including four sacred animals (dragon, unicorn, tortoise and phoenix) skillfully carved.
Worshipping altar of Tam Lang deity in Sac Temple
All the artifacts have been voluntarily presented by local people and authorities to Ha Tinh Museum.