The published book “The Path of Islam”
The published book “The Path of Islam”
Spending nine months tracing the expansion path of Islam, Phuong-Mai Nguyen went through 13 different Islamic countries, including Saudi Arabia,…......


Muslims discovered America, says Turkish president
Muslims discovered America, says Turkish president
Recep Tayyip Erdogan claims Muslim sailors reached the American continent in 1178 – exactly 314 years before Columbus......


Study: Vietnam listed as having a very high degree  of religious diversity
Study: Vietnam listed as having a very high degree of religious diversity
A recent study conducted by the Pew Research Center ranked Vietnam as the third most religiously diverse country in the…......


Researcher Trần Đình Sơn talks about lion symbols
Researcher Trần Đình Sơn talks about lion symbols
With the theme “Vietnam Buddhist heritage” in a monthly talk show held in Phat Hoc Xa Loi pagoda in Ho…......


Book publication: to learn about religious and belief related cultures, customs and festivals in Vietnam
Book publication: to learn about religious and belief related cultures, customs and festivals in Vietnam
Vietnam is a multi-religious and multi-ethnic country. In the course of the struggle against foreign invaders, religions have made ​​great…......


Study: American Public Sees Religion’s Influence Waning
A survey conducted Sept. 2-9 among 2,002 U.S. adults by the Pew Research Center indicates that Nearly three-quarters of the…......


Awakening the Buddhist Heart
Awakening the Buddhist Heart
What is the Buddhist Heart and how to awaken it in ourselves? Whoever wants the answers to these questions?......


The role of Islam, foreign intervention and defusing tension in the Middle East
Islam is a major religion in the world, a product in the transition from clan society to class society in…......
