How the happiness U-curve echoes the Buddha’s teachings
How the happiness U-curve echoes the Buddha’s teachings
(RNS) I just learned about the U-curve — the basic psychological insight that most people get happier around age 50.......


Social and charitable activities of Vietnam Don Bosco
The Don BosCo Order in Vietnam was established in 1952 with many abbeys in provinces and cities, including Ho Chi…......


For the Church, migrants are a solution, not a problem
For the Church, migrants are a solution, not a problem
Japan’s bishops recently made their first ad limina visit to Pope Francis. Bishops are expected to visit Rome once every five years to…......


Religion, Security and Global Uncertainties
We are very pleased to announce the publication of our Religion, Security and Global Uncertainties report. This report examines the relationship between…......


US changes idea (again): Modi did not commit crimes against humanity
US changes idea (again): Modi did not commit crimes against humanity
A New York court heeds Obama administration's request and dismisses a lawsuit filed in 2014 by a human rights association…......


Opinion: Religion is not the problem
Opinion: Religion is not the problem
The brutal attacks by Islamist terrorists in Paris have shocked Europe. That these attacks will discredit not only Islam, but…......


Religious affiliations of members of Congress mirror regional trends
Religious affiliations of members of Congress mirror regional trends
People often elect politicians who are like them. Indeed, a regional comparison of members of Congress with the general public…......


Faith on the Hill: The Religious Composition of the 114th Congress
When the new, 114th Congress is sworn in on Jan. 6, 2015, Republicans will control both chambers of the legislative…......
