Implementing the directives of the Prime Ministers and instructions by local authorities, local religious organizations in Kon Tum province have proactively engaged in efforts preventing the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic.
The Vietnam Buddhist Sangha’s (VBS) Executive Committee, Kon Tum Catholic diocese, etc have issued dispatches to members on strengthened measures for the covid-19 prevention and control, including cancels of all large religious gatherings and organizations of online masses instead.
According to the provincial Committee for Religious Affairs, most of local religious establishments have strictly taken preventive measures recommended for the Covid-19 prevention and control.
In addition, local religious organizations have also made practical contributions to the nCov preventing work
Notice of KonTum cathedral church on the suspension of all masses
Closing Buddhist worshipping places in the province
The VBS’s Executive Committee in Kon Tum province presents 50 million VND for the Covid-19 preventive efforts
Pastor Phạm Hồng Liêm (third from the left) from the Evangelical Churchof Vietnam (South) presents 2,500 facemasks and 250 disinfectant handwashing bottles to the nCov prevention work in Kon Ray district