Lau Then ceremony (a traditional ceremony of Tay ethnic group) consists of Quet Lau (sweeping bad karma) for lessening or nullifying impacts of past negative karma or bad luck. During the ceremony, in addition to cakes, fruits, participants also bring food bags (rice and paddy) and clothes which are wearing to perform Quet Lau ritual.
Khao Quan (supervisor) sits outside to support Then shamans in borrowing Ma Vuong stick (a stick of Demon Lord used to removing bad luck)
A supervisor presents a Ma Vuong (Demon Lord) stick to a Then shaman
Then shamans offer wine to thank to a supervisor
A Then shaman and Ma Vuong stick (a sugar cane with three incense sticks)
Rice bags put on a rack in front door, clothes squeeze onto a small ladder in the house. When performing Quet Lau ritual, the relatives of homeowner place incense into rice bags
The worshipping ritual to removing bad luck for homeowner
Neighbors come to help and join the ceremony
PH (bvhttdl.gov.vn)