A holy mass for the pilgrimage of the Jubilee year of Mercy of My Tho Diocese’s Cai Be Deanery was held on May 6 at the diocese’s pastoral centre.
Cai Be Deanery has 22 parishes and six Catholic communities in Tien Giang province.
The event was presided over by Bishop of My Tho Diocese Peter Nguyễn Văn Khảm, and attended by priests from Cai Be Deanery, over 2000 clergymen, clergywomen and followers.
During the event, the diocese’s Bishop delivered a faith sharing for bringing love and compassion to Catholic followers and ordinary people.
Some images of the pilgrimage of the Jubilee year of Mercy at My Tho Diocese’s Cai Be Deanery.
Bishop of My Tho Diocese speaks at event.
Hữu Đức (Source: giaophanmytho.net)