As a unique cultural destination in the Mekong Delta province of Bac Lieu, Ghositaram Pagoda is considered to be a museum of fine arts showcasing the talent of Khmer artists.
The Pagoda’s roof contains several layers overlaying each other, forming a sharp top similar to that of a tower. (Photo: VNP/VNA)
Time has created an august and antiquity atmosphere in the pagoda. (Photo: VNP/VNA)
Inside the central chamber. (Photo: VNP/VNA)
Lacquered pillars with sophisticated patterns. (Photo: VNP/VNA)
Statues of scared animals at the pagoda. (Photo: VNP/VNA)
Exquisite patterns and reliefs at Ghositaram Pagoda. (Photo: VNP/VNA)
A relief tells the life of Buddha. (Photo: VNP/VNA)
A gong at Ghositaram Pagoda. (Photo: VNP/VNA)
Souce: vietnamnet.vn/en