Question 1:
What do citizens do when they need  to practice the rites of worship, prayer, expressing religious faith that they believe…......


Anniversary of Hoa Hao founder’s birthday
Anniversary of Hoa Hao founder’s birthday
In the first days of 2013, local governments approved Hoà Hảo Church to celebrate the founder-  Huỳnh Phú Sổ’s birthday on Jan…......


 Question: Can the religious organization establish training schools, or upgrading course for religious professional? Which agency and individual to establish…......


Question 2: which proceeds and procedures to open upgrading courses for religious professional?
 Article 15 of Decree No 22/2005/NĐ-CP dated March 1st 2005 of government on guidance for implementation of a number of…......


 Question: According to Article 22, Decree No. 22/2005 of the Government on religion, the person wishing to lead a religious…......


The attention of the Party and the Government to religion in 2011
Tay Ninh implement the Directive 01/2005/CT-TTg of the Prime Minister
 Tay Ninh is a province in the Southeast with 240km border next to Cambodia. Protestantism was evangelized to Tay Ninh…......


Protestantism after five years of implementing the direction no. 01
 Protestantism after five years of implementing the Direction No. 01 of the Prime Minister......
