Coordinating board of Vietnam Buddhist Sangha in Laos debuts
The coordinating board of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha (VBS) in Laos made its debut during a ceremony held at Phat…......11/13/2018

Thua Thien-Hue hosts Asia-Pacific conference on intangible cultural heritage
The 2018 Asia-Pacific Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) Non-Government Organisation (NGO) Conference opened in the central province of Thua Thien-Hue on…......11/09/2018

Deputy PM Trương Hòa Bình meets Vatican leaders
Deputy Prime Minister Trương Hòa Bình on October 20 had meetings with Pope Francis and Secretary of State of the…......10/23/2018

Home Affairs Deputy Minister receives delegation from international organization committee for UN Day of Vesak
Deputy Minister of Home Affairs Nguyễn Trọng Thừa hosted on October 12 a reception for visiting Most Venerable Dhammaratana Vice…......10/17/2018

Exhibition on Bru-Vân Kiều in Hanoi
An exhibition entitled "Deities, Ancestors and Shamans: The Bru-Vân Kiêu in the Truong Son cordillera" was opened on October 12…......10/17/2018

Vietnam Buddhist Sangha sends relief to Indonesian earthquake victims
On October 3rd, Most Venerable Thích Thanh Nhiễu, Standing Vice President of the Executive Council of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha…......10/12/2018

VBS receives Buddhism ministry delegation from Srilanka
Most Venerable Vice President of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha (VBS) Executive Council Thích Thanh Nhiễu hosted on September 25 a…......09/27/2018

US funds US$92,500 for Ho Dynasty Citadel conservation
The Fund for Cultural Preservation of the US Embassy in Vietnam has decided to assist US$92,500 for conserving the Ho…......09/27/2018