Connect to the Muslim countries
Connect to the Muslim countries
 "Islamic culture can be expressed in many different aspects, but in general it creates a stable social, order and discipline,…......


The Cao đài White Cloth (Bạch y) Church - 15 years of operation under the Charter and new action orientation
The Cao đài White Cloth (Bạch y) Church - 15 years of operation under the Charter and new action orientation
   The Cao Dai  White Cloth (Bach y) Church (also known as Cao Dai Verity White Cloth Association), headquartered in…......


Results of Implementing the Vietnamese State’s Laws and Policies on Belief and Religion
   Many significant results have been achieved during the nearly 20 years of implementing Reform and Renewal policies on religious…......


Exhibit views Mother Goddesses worship
The Government Committee for religious affairs receives Vietnamese Protestantism Church (northern)
The Government Committee for religious affairs receives Vietnamese Protestantism Church (northern)
 On April 17th 2012 Executive Board of the Vietnamese Protestantism Church (Northern) by Pastor Nguyen Huu Mac as its head…......


Seminar on religion in Vietnam in the context of international integration
Seminar on religion in Vietnam in the context of international integration
 Changes in religious life over the past time have contributed to introducing Vietnam to international communities as a country of…......


Religious Affairs Conference on 6 months of 2012 clusters of provinces, cities of Delta areas Northern midlands
Religious Affairs Conference on 6 months of 2012 clusters of provinces, cities of Delta areas Northern midlands
 On July 5th 2012, at Hanoi capital, the Government Committee for Religious Affairs in collaboration with People's Committees of Hanoi…......


Head of the Government committee for religious affairs celebrated Vesak day (Buddhist years 2556 – solar calendar 2012) of Vietnamese Buddhist Association.
Champa relics badly in need of restoration