In Canada, Anti-Muslim Bullying On The Rise Following Ottawa Attacks
(Reuters) - Reports of anti-Muslim harassment in Canada have risen, Muslim organizations say, after attacks last week in which two…......11/05/2014

Thai Buddhists hold peace march in Bodhgaya
Bodhgaya (Bihar), Nov. 2 (ANI): Buddhists from Thailand held a march for world peace in Bodhgaya.......11/04/2014

Laos celebrates That Luang festival 2014
On October 31st, 2014, thousands of Lao people took part in That Luang festival 2014 held in accordance with traditional…......11/04/2014

Floods in Kashmir Damage Buddhist Manuscripts
Floods in Kashmir over the past month have damaged a number of priceless artifacts, including a quantity of ancient Buddhist…......11/03/2014

Opening of Fifth OIC Ministerial Conference on Women’s Role in Development of OIC Member States
The Fifth Ministerial Conference on Women’s Role in Development of OIC Member States was held under the high patronage of…......10/24/2014

What Are America's Religious Organizations Doing To Prepare For Ebola?
Humans crowd closely together in houses of worship -- and it’s supposed to be that way. People greet each other…......10/24/2014

Indonesia Catholics hold mass rallies in Flores mining fight
On October 13, 2014, Hundreds of priests and nuns staged simultaneous rallies today in Jakarta and several towns in Flores,…......10/20/2014
Number of women religious in US falls below 50,000
The number of women religious in the United States has fallen below 50,000, according to a new report from the…......10/17/2014