Pope Prays for Victims of Missing AirAsia Flight
Also Prays for Passengers of Tragic Ferry Boat Accident in the Adriatic Sea......12/31/2014

Largest Buddhist temple in Europe approved
What will be the largest Buddhist temple in Europe has been approved for a site in Birmingham. The Buddhist Maha…......12/30/2014

Iran concerned about “Intensified Security Approaches” in Bahrain
Iranian foreign ministry spokeswoman expressed concern about the stepped-up security measures adopted by the Bahraini ruling regime against legal societies…......12/30/2014

Korean Buddhist Committee Urges UNESCO Status for Mountain Temples
A new joint committee has been formed by various Buddhist organizations and the Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea to oversee…......12/27/2014
New camerlengo named for Holy Roman Church
Pope Francis has named Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran the new camerlengo (chamberlain) of the Holy Roman Church.......12/24/2014

Record 17,000 join nationalist march in Germany
Many in Berlin shocked by emergence of far-right anti-Islamist group Pegida as growing numbers join weekly Dresden protest......12/23/2014

Pope Francis sharply criticises Vatican bureaucracy
Pope Francis has sharply criticised the Vatican bureaucracy in a pre-Christmas address to cardinals, complaining of "spiritual Alzheimer's" and "the…......12/23/2014

Justin Welby: church looking to heal deep divisions on same-sex marriage
Archbishop of Canterbury avoids disclosing own views on issue but talks candidly about family problems on BBC Radio 4’s Desert…......12/23/2014