The world’s largest wooden ancient temple in Japan and historical account of Vietnamese monk
Todaiji temple is a Buddhist temple complex located in former capital Nara of Japan. The temple has been the largest wooden ancient temple in the world.
According to legend, Shomu Emperor invited Buddhist Master Bồ Đề Tiên Na and his disciple who a Vietnamese Buddhist monk named Phật Triết to perform the ritual for installing a Buddhist statue and inaugurating the temple.
Many cherry-blossoms bloom in April at the temple
The world’s largest bronze statue of Shakyamuni is 16m of height
Wooden statues of Todaiji temple have been recognized as national treasures of Japan. In the picture is a statue of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva
A statue of the Dharma Protector is 8m of height in the Great Buddhist Hall
The only incensory at Todaiji temple
Area for visitors to drink blessed water
The temple has many huge wooden pillars with diameter of 1m and height of 20m. Among them, a pillar at the Great Buddhist Hall has a large recess that is believed that anyone who can get through will receive more health and luck
There are large numbers of deer living near the temple and they are very friendly to visitors
NL (baonghean.vn)