The Sistine Chapel choir, one of the oldest religious choirs in the world, is scheduled to perform several Asian cities including Macao (September 19), Hong Kong (September 21), Taipei (September 23), and will not tour any cities on Mainland China.
Originally the choir that accompanies all pontifical ceremonies was supposed to go to Beijing and also various locations on Mainland China. Contacts had even been made between the Holy See and the Chinese government to finalize plans for what could have been the openings of diplomatic ties through culture.
The "cultural diplomacy" had played a modest role in May 2008 when, on the eve of the Beijing Olympics, the Beijing Philharmonic Orchestra and the Shanghai Opera chorus performed in the Vatican, in the presence of Benedict XVI (photo). At that time China was eager to present an image of openness to the international community, to promote tourist's participation in the Olympics.
The Sistine Chapel tour performances were announced prior to the Pope's visit to Korea, in an attempt to emphasize its cultural and non-religious aspect. But this caution has proven fruitless in China.
(Source: Vietcatholic.net)