The Jokhang Monastery in Lhasa, capital city of China's Tibet Autonomous Region, is arguably the most important temple for Tibetan Buddhists.
The temple is famous for its long, intricate murals. Over the past couple of years, painstaking efforts have been made to keep them in the best possible condition.
Built more than 1,000 years ago, Jokhang Monastery is regarded as one of the holiest sites in Tibetan Buddhism, drawing hoards of worshippers and tourists every day. And the temple's weathered murals are an important reminder of its history.
The temple has nearly 4,000 square meters of murals. The themes depicted include the Buddha, creators of Tibetan Buddhism, ancient rulers of the region, and how Lhasa was built. Jokhang Monastery is the earliest wooden architecture in Tibet. It was listed as UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2000.
A renovation project to renovate the murals was initiated in June 2012. Archaeologists applied new technologies during the process, using the same materials to repair the damaged parts. So far the renovation project has been successful.
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