Christian and Muslim leaders came together to pray for peace and to reaffirm their common commitment against terrorism, in the aftermath of the Easter massacre, which took place in Lahore: as Fides learns, the meeting was organized in the complex of Santa Maria church in Lahore by the "Council for interreligious dialogue", an organization started by Capuchin friar Fr. Francis Nadeem, Provincial of the Capuchins in Pakistan.
Fr. Nadeem explains to Fides: "This is a significant proof of national harmony and common interreligious commitment to peace, justice and solidarity". The friar also recalled to mind the words and gestures of Pope Francis: "The Pope declared 2016 the Year of mercy and during the Holy Thursday celebration, by washing and kissing the feet of asylum seekers and refugees, he wanted to express mercy and show respect for all human beings, regardless of race or religion. The Pope launched an appeal saying that barbaric act of terrorists in Pakistan has converted the joy of Easter in pain. And asked Pakistani authorities to take immediate measures to ensure safety".
Muslim leader Pir Shafaat Rasool, engaged in the Council for Interreligious Dialogue, said: "We all have to learn from Pope Francis and we are called to follow his exceptional dynamism. We condemn the merciless act of insensitive radicals, which is contrary to the teachings of Islam".
Many other leaders present noted: "We are tired of carrying the bodies of innocent people on our shoulders and condemning these attacks. We ask the government of Pakistan to be vigilant especially with regards to lenders and sponsors of terrorist organizations".
Participants lit candles to remember the dead, offering prayers for their souls, and expressed solidarity with the families of all the victims.
Source: http://www.fides.org/