Speaking to pilgrims and visitors gathered in St Peter's Square on Sunday for the recitation of the Regina Caeli prayer, the Pope announced he would create new cardinals at a Consistory on June 29th.
Pope Francis on Sunday announced that he will create fourteen new cardinals in a Consistory scheduled to take place on June 29th.
In the surprise announcement following his Regina Caeli address, the Pope noted that the places from which the new cardinals come “expresses the universality of the Church, which continues to announce the merciful love of God to all men and women on earth”.
Universality of Church
The men who will receive their red hats from the Pope include bishops from Iraq, Pakistan, Portugal, Peru, Madagascar, Italy and Japan.
The list also includes Polish archbishop Konrad Krajewski, who serves as the papal almoner here in Rome, and three Italian archbishops, Angelo De Donatis, the vicar general of the Rome diocese, Luis Ladaria, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and Giovanni Becciu, the Substitute of the Secretary of State and Special Delegate for the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. Pope Francis said their nominations “manifests the unbreakable bond between the See of Peter and the local Churches throughout the world”.
Alongside them, Pope Francis also nominated to the College of Cardinals a retired archbishop of Mexico, a retired bishop of Bolivia and a priest from the Claretian order, all of whom, he said, “have distinguised themselves for their service to the Church”.
The names of the new Cardinals are:
His Beatitude Louis Raphaël I Sako – Chaldean Catholic Patriarch of Babylon
His Excellency Luis Ladaria –Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
His Excellency Angelo De Donatis – Vicar General of Rome
His Excellency Giovanni Angelo Becciu – Substitute of the Secretary of State and Special Delegate for the Sovereign Military Order of Malta
His Excellency Konrad Krajewski – Almoner of the Office of Papal Charities
His Excellency Joseph Coutts – Archbishop of Karachi
His Excellency António dos Santos Marto – Bishop of Leiria-Fátima
His Excellency Pedro Barreto – Archbishop of Huancayo
His Excellency Desiré Tsarahazana – Archbishop of Toamasina
His Excellency Giuseppe Petrocchi – Archbishop of L’Aquila
His Excellency Thomas Aquinas Manyo – Archbishop of Osaka
His Excellency Sergio Obeso Rivera – Emeritus Archbishop of Xalapa.
His Excellency Toribio Ticona Porco – Emeritus Bishop of Corocoro.
Reverend Father Aquilino Bocos Merino – member of the Claretian order.
Source: www.vaticannews.va