Pope Francis on Monday made his first visit to the United Nations World Food Programme, the United Nations agency that fights hunger. It is the first ever Papal visit to WFP, and comes during the first year of work towards the landmark Sustainable Development Goals. These 17 goals have been agreed by all UN Member States and aim to tackle the root causes of poverty and hunger. At the core of WFP’s work is a drive to achieve the goal of Zero Hunger by the year 2030.
In remarks prepared for the occasion and delivered on Monday morning, the Pope said that the "consumerism in which our societies are immersed has made us grow accustomed to excess and to the daily waste of food." He also noted that little by little we "are growing immune to other people’s tragedies, seeing them as something “natural”, adding, "we need to “de-naturalize” extreme poverty."
Source: http://en.radiovaticana.va/