The Second Indonesian Day (IYD2) taking place in the North Sulawesi provincial capital of Manado, entered day 5 on Wednesday with participants dedicating themselves to catechesis and matters of faith and morals in order to live and witness to the Gospel with joy.
The theme of the Oct. 1-6 event, “The Joy of Gospel Amidst a Plural Society in Indonesia”, intends to stress the need to live in harmony and brotherhood with other people and the created world.
After the initial 3-day live-in programme in families followed by Tuesday’s colourful IYD2 inaugural ceremony, the nearly 2,500 young people and their guides representing their counterparts in the nation’s 37 dioceses, listened on Oct. 5 to some 30 catechesis and talks by bishops, priests, lay people, leaders, politicians and experts, conducted in 15 centres in and around the Pineleng zone, on the outskirts of Manado city. The broad range of talks included issues such as the environment, gender equality, politics, marginalization, technology and information, addiction, entrepreneurship, lives of saints on the streets, inter-religious dialogue and vocation to married, priestly and religious life. The sessions included lively interaction between speakers and the listeners. In many centres, listeners were just comfortable sitting on the floor. In terms of logistics the IYD2 organization has been very impressive, considering accommodation, meals, snacks, drinking water and transport.
Wednesday afternoon was dedicated to the theme of mercy and reconciliation, marked by silence, prayer, testimonies, reflection, confession and a frugal dinner. The highlight was a suggestive candle-lit evening prayer with hymns on mercy and reconciliation, in front of the Blessed Sacrament, at the ‘amphitheatre’ of the sprawling but still incomplete Emmanuel Catholic Youth Centre at Lotta, where the IYD2 will conclude Thursday night. Bros. Ghislain and Francis of the Taize Community, who were specially invited by the IYD2 organizers, led the session. Bro. Ghislain invited all to humble themselves and allow the Holy Spirit help them make an inner spiritual journey to Jesus in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, who always awaits sinners and forgives. Soon afterwards, numerous priests sat in chairs inside as well as outside the ‘amphitheatre’ and heard confessions of a large number of young people, continuing late into the night.
Source: radiovaticana.va