Hauwa Ibrahim - the 2005 Sakharov Prize laureate - was among the key speakers of the Freedom from violence as empowerment precondition conference organized on the 6th of March by the European Parliament's Information Office in Italy for the occasion of the International Women's Day.
She sent a strong statement declaring the violence against women unacceptable and condemning sexual slavery as the forces slowing down progress and increasing insecurity for all of us and called for both women and men as society to tame violence. She also expressed her belief in education as a key to everything and spoke about her Mothers without Borders project.
Among the speakers were also MEP Silvia Costa who highlighted the importance of the Istanbul Convention and its comprehensive legal approach towards the subject of violence against women; MEP Eleonora Forenza who called for recognition of the reproductive rights and increase in awareness of gender based violence against women; as well as Livia Zoli representing the Action Aid organization who spoke about her organization’s projects for women economic empowerment in Europe funded by the EU.
Source: europarl.europa.eu