A Buddhist Centre in Brentwood is offering children and their families the chance to experience meditation on Saturday.
The centre, in Merrymeade House, Merrymeade Chase, will run sessions between 12pm and 3pm for different age groups to enable families with small children to try out the art.
Abbot Jane Ward, who founded and leads the community, said: ““We’ve had many requests from families asking if their children can come along or do we do family meditations?
“So I thought let’s make an opportunity of this and put something together.
“So parents can come with their children to a 30 minute, easy-to-follow, guided session.
“After meditation we’re arranging to have some fun, hopefully if the weather’s fine, in the grounds, with some organised games for them.
"It’s all free of charge.
“Meditation is so beneficial for children because from a young age we’re often not taught how to process experiences and I’m talking about those experiences that can shape adults for the rest of their lives.
“Meditation helps them become in tune with themselves. “They can become aware of the way they think, their inner dialogue and that they can change all of that.
“It’s good for children’s physical well-being, their social well-being and it’s planting the vital seeds to secure each child a joyful future.”
Regardless of religious belief or non-belief, age or culture, everyone is welcome and a Jane said a "warm welcome" awaits all visitors to Brentwood Buddhist Centre at Merrymeade House.
Jane added: “Brentwood Buddhist Centre is a place that brings people together to support each other.
“You don’t necessarily have to be interested in Buddhism to visit.
“Our classes are taught by ordained Buddhists, but the teachings can benefit everyone. The centre has a lot to offer and it’s open to everybody.”
“Buddhism is about taking responsibility for yourself, becoming more mindful of your actions, thoughts and speech and being caring and respectful to all.”
Source: http://www.brentwoodweeklynews.co.uk/