Gospel for Asia plans to drill 5,000 water wells across India and South Asia over the course of this next year for those struggling to find clean water. GFA is highlighting its "Jesus Wells" ministry as World Water Day approaches on March 21.
Millions across Asia are considered Dalits or "Untouchables", those deemed inferior simply because of their caste. "Untouchables" are likely barred from using village water wells, placing these individuals and families in desperate and life-threatening situations."Jesus Wells", a GFA ministry, are often the only water option for "Untouchables" and countless others. The wells not only provide critical access to drinking water, but they also ensure villagers have clean water essential for cooking and other necessary household chores.
"It is our heart to provide clean water to all people regardless of their background," said Dr K P Yohannan, founder and international director of Gospel for Asia. "Wherever we place our 'Jesus Wells,' all people can drink clean water freely."
An adequate water supply is not only a challenge for Dalits. Millions of others across Asia struggle daily to find sufficient water resources. Traditional village wells often dry up because they were not drilled deep enough. Or they dry up during the hot, arid summer months, putting entire villages at risk. It's also common for families to walk several miles just to find enough water for basic household needs.
To help address these challenges, "Jesus Wells" are drilled deep into the ground. They are strategically placed in villages accessible to the greatest number of people. In addition, local contractors are hired to drill numerous wells at a time, ensuring great cost savings.