Vatican names head of new mega-department on laity, family and life issues
Bishop Kevin Farrell will lead the Vatican’s newly created mega-department on the family, laity, and life issues. The new office…......08/22/2016

Helensburgh gives Buddhist temple a warm welcome
A group of Buddhist monks who have converted a former Helensburgh church to a meditation centre say they hope to…......08/22/2016
Rome has hosted 13 million pilgrims during the Jubilee of Mercy so far
An estimated 13 million pilgrims have participated in the Jubilee of Mercy, since Pope Francis inaugurated the Holy Year on December 8, 2015. ......08/19/2016

Jordan slams Israel after radical Jews visit Islamic holy site
Jordan on Monday condemned Israel for allowing "extremist" Jews to visit Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa mosque compound, which is holy to both…......08/18/2016

Philippine peace talks resume
KUALA LUMPUR: The Philippines on Saturday restarted peace talks with the country's largest Muslim rebel group, the first under President…......08/17/2016

Pope Francis treats homeless people in Rome to beach trip and pizza
Homeless people in Rome have been receiving trips to the beach and pizza on the way back, thanks to the…......08/17/2016

Pope Francis privately visits convents in Rieti and L’Aquila
(Vatican Radio) On Tuesday, Pope Francis made a private visit to two convents of religious sisters in the Italian regions…......08/15/2016

Turkey: 2,500 religious staff removed in post-coup crackdown
More than 2,500 officials have been suspended from Turkey's Religious Affairs Directorate in another crackdown following the failed military coup…......08/12/2016