Italian region bans women in face veils from entering hospitals
The northern region of Liguria on Tuesday announced plans to ban the Islamic face veil from hospitals and other public…......03/13/2017

Faint ISIS footprint in Thailand’s deep south
As Islamic State spreads its franchise into Southeast Asia, it is not clear yet the terror group has made inroads…......03/10/2017

Sisi: Christian and Muslim citizens should be identified as “equal citizens”
Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Sisi held talks with Maronite Patriarch Bechara Rai and Chaldean Patriarch Louis Raphael I Sako, on…......03/09/2017

Pal Buddhist School in Sydney Funding Humanitarian Project with Tutoring Program
Pal Buddhist School (PBS), a Buddhist high school in Sydney, Australia, is working with Teach4Peace, a non-profit tutoring service organization, to…......03/07/2017
Fake monks involved in Dhammakaya: Poll
A large majority of people believe fake monks are involved in stirring up the situation at Wat Phra Dhammakaya in…......03/07/2017

The first printed Bible, available online
The Bible, which was printed in the first printing office of Gutenberg around 1455, can be consulted online at Gallica,…......03/01/2017

Monks seek museum at Nelakondapalli
Khammam: Buddhist monks and representatives of 41 countries, who visited the Buddhist Maha Stupa at Nelakondapalli, went nostalgic for a moment.…......03/01/2017

Italy's oldest nun shares tips for a long life on 110th birthday
Candida Bellotti - the oldest living Italian nun - celebrated her 110th birthday on Monday. At her birthday party, she…......02/23/2017